Earning Apps

Toloka Earning App From 100$ To 500$

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YANDEX TOLOKA is an app by one can earn through simple tasks without any experience or any qualification. It is an authentic Russian company dealing in identifying data and analyzing data by providing paid tasks that  anyone can do; anywhere and anytime.


Yandex offers its users two options to earn online:-

  1. Paid tasks
  2. Earn through the referral program

Paid tasks

toloka earn money

This option allows users to select a paid task from the list of tasks available on the dashboard. Firstly, sign up for an account on Yandex or you can access them through the Yandex app.

After selecting the task, you will receive instructions on how to do it. Once you complete the task, submit the response for review. After this your submission is reviewed by Yandex and you will be able to receive your reward. The tasks can be anything like taking a picture, comparing a set of pictures or answering the questions.

Pay range of the tasks start from $0.10 to $1. Maximum you can earn $21 in a day. However, you can maximize your earnings by achieving a higher rating than average. More ratings you have, you will qualify for more tasks. Keep in mind, users with higher ratings are paid more for the tasks as compared to others.

Referral Program

It is also an interesting way to steal from your friend’s pocket. Just kidding..😉

The company’s referral program allows users to earn a bonus by inviting a friend to earn on Yandex. Users can earn 5% to 20% of what the friend earns.

There is a sub-program that allows you to earn 20% of what your friend earns if he or she is earning in specific cities in Russia and Uzbekistan only. For other tasks, you earn a 5% -10% commission. This percentage varies on the number of bonuses received.

Steps to Start

To start earning on Yandex Toloka, you have to sign up on their website to become its member. On the sign-up form, provide personal details like name, mobile number etc. to verify your account.

Age criteria:-You have to be 18 years or above to earn on Yandex.

By signing up, you will also get a Yandex account which you can use for payments, etc.


Payment Criteria

As you complete a task, you will be able to view the money added to your user account in US dollars.

The company offers users various payment options such as PayPalPayoneerSkrill, and Papara. Paypal users can withdraw a minimum amount of $0.02 per week, Skrill users can withdraw $1 per week and for Payoneer, it is $20 a week. Users living in Russia can also opt for a withdrawal through the phone. A processing fee is also deducted from all payment options.(One Day Payment Withdrawl)

Today i have received my first payment. Here is the payment proof in PayPal



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